11 culinary life hacks that are confirmed by Einstein
Scientists have not one secret in their arsenal, which can be used in cooking in order to simplify the process of cooking different dishes. Professor of Chemistry, Robert Wolke, in…

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12 culinary life hacking from popular bloggers
Experienced cooks have in stock a huge amount of life hacking, which they have accumulated over the years of their stay in the kitchen. We have selected for you some…

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15 original dishes to try in Australia
Each country has its own “crown” dish, and sometimes even several of them. Unusual flavor combinations and original notes can be felt by trying Australian culinary delights. If you visit…

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10 useless products for which you definitely should not overpay
Oatmeal, juice, pink salt ... Do not rush to put them in the basket. Behind the deceptive advantage described in advertising, there is at least a dummy. Carefully examine the…


cheese found in the tomb of Ptahmes

Classic and 8 of the most original recipes for Easter cakes

Classic and 8 of the most original recipes for Easter cakes
Want to cook delicious and unusual Easter cakes for Easter? Then you are at the address. For you – the traditional version and a few original Easter recipes.
A traditional dish on the Easter table is the cake. According to church canons, the dough is made on the night from Thursday to Friday, and on Friday they are baked. Many do it the day before the holiday. Continue reading

10 products that appeared in 2018

Every year the store shelves surprise us with unexpected novelties, only the most desperate gourmet dares to try and try. And 2018, too, was no exception!
And if you think that borsch-flavored chips and cucumber Pepsi already nothing will “surpass”, then you are mistaken – we managed to find 10 strange foodstuffs that are not clear why they were created, but today you can easily buy them! Continue reading

10 national American dishes, incomprehensible to tourists

American cuisine is rich in insane combinations of foods and mixing tastes contrary to common sense and the principles of proper nutrition. Sweet burgers, fried butter and biscuits with mushrooms are not a complete list of popular dishes in the US that nutritionists consider to be dangerous to health. Continue reading

8 dishes worth trying at least once in a lifetime
It is no secret that in recent years gastronomic tourism is gaining increasing popularity. People don't like to just visit different countries, seeing the sights, they want to get acquainted…


12 products that can not be cooked in olive oil
Having warmed up olive oil to 190ºС, you risk to spoil products. They can become not only tasteless, but also harmful. Let me begin by saying that olive oil itself…
