8 dishes worth trying at least once in a lifetime
It is no secret that in recent years gastronomic tourism is gaining increasing popularity. People don't like to just visit different countries, seeing the sights, they want to get acquainted…

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Classic and 8 of the most original recipes for Easter cakes Want to cook delicious and unusual Easter cakes for Easter? Then you are at the address. For you -…

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8 dishes worth trying at least once in a lifetime
It is no secret that in recent years gastronomic tourism is gaining increasing popularity. People don't like to just visit different countries, seeing the sights, they want to get acquainted…

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8 healthy and tasty combinations of products

“Forget about harmful products” is the motto of the most advanced nutritionists. An important combination of food that can bring maximum benefit to the body. Use the knowledge of the best groups of products that will help each other to saturate your body with vitamins and trace elements
Modern nutritionists are inclined to believe that products can not be harmful or useful. The main thing is to choose the right combination of them, in which all the useful substances can be digested to the maximum and bring tangible benefits to the body. We offer a list of the most popular and delicious duets of products that you really like.

1. To stay young: egg and tomato (egg and onion)
Tomatoes and Egg
Perfect to make with butter butter with the addition of onion feathers and fresh tomatoes. Onions and tomatoes contain a lot of selenium, which plays a key role in the normal functioning of the reproductive system. And vitamin E from vegetable oil and eggs helps this microelement to digest. It is important not to overdo the products on fire, because with long cooking the necessary substances begin to break down.

2. Forget about PMS and osteoporosis: egg and broccoli (egg and spinach)
Egg and Spinach
According to recent studies, the fair sex, who receive a lot of calcium and vitamin D from the daily diet, is three times easier to tolerate PMS. The egg is one of the most accessible to most sources of vitamin D. And broccoli and spinach are saturated with calcium, which is practically not digested separately from vitamin D. In addition, spinach contains rare vitamin K, which provides blood clotting and skeletal strength. Broccoli incorporates a large amount of beta-carotene. In the complex, everything works just fine.

3. In order not to get tired: lentils and sweet peppers (sesame and greens)
Lentils and sweet peppers
In the menu, at least a quarter of the world’s population lacks iron. It is especially important for women who lose a certain amount of blood every month. You can get this trace element not only from meat products. It turns out that among the plants there are also champions in iron content. Add the Bulgarian pepper to the beans, season it with herbs and sesame seeds. It turns out just a bomb made of iron and vitamin C, which will help him achieve his goal.

4. For young skin: tomato and vegetable oil
Tomato and vegetable oil
Today, many people know about the harm of the sun to the skin. The lycopene present in tomatoes helps to reduce the harmful effect of ultraviolet radiation. Vegetable fats and omega acids help improve digestibility of lycopene. It is worth eating tomatoes and olives together, which is no less useful than the use of oil. You can meet this unique combination in traditional Italian dishes.

5. For superior vision: avocado and spinach.
Avocado and Spinach
Who would have thought that green spinach contains a complex of substances necessary for good vision – vitamin A and lutein. The same composition of exotic avocado. In addition, there is a small amount of “correct” in terms of nutritionists fats, which contribute to the dissolution of valuable vitamins.

6. Strong immunity: chicken and carrot meat (lard and green onions)
Chicken & Carrot Meat
One may laugh at the love of Ukrainians for fat, but this combination definitely works! As well as healthy chicken broth, about which everyone has heard. Carrots are just a storehouse of vitamin A, which we need to maintain immunity. However, for its assimilation, protein and zinc are required. They also contain in white chicken meat in the necessary quantity.

7. Prevention of malignant tumors: pork and Brussels sprouts
Pork and Brussels Sprouts
Until recently, doctors have restricted us in the use of meat, especially fried. But it can be extinguished without harm to health. Lean pork is a source of selenium, which is a strong antioxidant. In combination with vegetables, the effect of this mineral is enhanced several times. Proteins contained in cabbage and pork meat supply the body with essential amino acids. We need them for cell renewal, proper functioning of the thyroid gland, cleansing the body of unnecessary substances.

8. For depression: dry red and fish steak
Red wine and red fish
Omega – 3 fatty acids contained in salmon, plus a complex of red wine antioxidants are simply indispensable in the fight against depression and just a bad mood. The main thing is that polyphenols from red wine help to assimilate several times more fatty acids from fish. The main thing to remember about moderation – drink no more than one glass at dinner.

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