6 best cereals for kids
Choose the first baby food? Kashi - the basis of a full diet for the growth and development of the child. We select the right cereals and help the baby…

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11 products that can replace coffee
Coffee is recognized as the most common means to obtain a charge of energy, but it is not the only product that has an invigorating effect. Experts recommend a replacement…

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22 best sandwiches in the history of culinary art
Sandwiches, simply sandwiches - quick and satisfying snack, beloved by many of us. Why? The answer is simple. A varied filling allows each person to choose their most favorite version…

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7 fresh breathable products
Bad breath can be caused by problems in the digestive system, lack of sleep, hormonal imbalance, the aromatic components of food eaten, alcoholic beverages, tobacco smoking and even dry mouth.…


5 unexpected ways to use water after cooking pasta

Who would have thought that the liquid that remains in the pan after cooking pasta can be very useful. Prudent housewives, catch a selection of recommendations from the chef of the highest category: they will pleasantly surprise and delight you!
Having decided once again to cook your favorite pasta “in a naval manner” or pasta “Bolognese”, we, as usual, overturn the welded products into a colander and drain the water left over after cooking. However, as it turned out, this water has a number of very useful properties that have found their use in the kitchen and in everyday life.

1. For cooking beans
We all know that beans will cook much faster and it will taste better if you soak them in ordinary water for the night. Try to replace it with water remaining after cooking pasta and the result will pleasantly surprise you. Legumes will cook quickly, and the taste will be much softer.

2. The secret to successful baking
Have you decided to cook pizza as good as Italian cooks? But many of them use this secret for quite some time. Kneading the dough, they simply use the water from under the paste. One has only to note that the water is already salted so as not to over-salt the dough. This method can also be used when kneading bread dough.

3. Easy to clean the pan
After a delicious dinner, suddenly found that the dishwashing liquid was over? Left after cooking pasta water will help here. This completely unusual trick due to the cleaning properties of starch will help to wash not only the plates, but also the pan, saving effort and money.

4. Moisturizing indoor plants
If “pasta water” is not required for cooking or baking, you can use it to take care of potted plants. Advice for lovers of home flowers: water from pasta – great for watering plants. They will surely thank you with juicy leaves and beautiful flowering. Just make sure that the liquid is completely cooled, in addition, it should not be salt, otherwise the “pets” will suffer!

5. Shiny hair
This method may seem completely strange, but you only have to try it, and you will definitely take it into service. For hair care, many use starchy water as a rinse. The scheme is this: moisten the hair with water, which boiled noodles, and then wash with shampoo, as usual. The result – hair will become more shiny and docile. If your hair was badly damaged by dyeing or regular drying with a hairdryer, you should leave the macaroni mask on your hair for 10 minutes, then the effect will be even more impressive.

10 habitual products that pose a mortal danger
Some products give the human body a charge of vigor and energy. Others carry hidden threats. Even the usual fruits and vegetables can cause serious harm to human health. Here…


11 products that can replace coffee
Coffee is recognized as the most common means to obtain a charge of energy, but it is not the only product that has an invigorating effect. Experts recommend a replacement…
