6 types of nuts that are important to add to the winter diet
Nuts are a useful food product that is recommended for daily use. A rich arsenal of nutritious nutrients helps you to enrich the diet and make the body healthier and…

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8 unique products for cheerfulness and beauty
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10 national American dishes, incomprehensible to tourists

American cuisine is rich in insane combinations of foods and mixing tastes contrary to common sense and the principles of proper nutrition. Sweet burgers, fried butter and biscuits with mushrooms are not a complete list of popular dishes in the US that nutritionists consider to be dangerous to health.

Americans love to laugh at Russian cuisine, wondering how you can eat aspic or herring under a fur coat. At the same time, there are many rather strange dishes in the US kitchen that have a strange taste or even health risks.

1. Fried butter
Many American restaurants serve deep-fried butter. High calorie and extremely dangerous fat concentration will help any fan of the dish to quickly become an owner of excess weight.

2. Cookies with mushroom sauce
Cookies with cream and mushroom gravy are especially popular with residents of the southern states. When baking, cookies are sprinkled with sugar, and its combination with mushroom sauce is dangerous for digestion.

3. “Trash can”
The owners of fast food restaurants for a long time could not figure out what to do with the remnants of yesterday’s dishes. Then they invented the real cholesterol bomb – a mix of minced meatballs, fried minced meat and onions mixed with french fries and pasta. The dish, which was called “garbage plate” in addition watered with cheese sauce based on mayonnaise.

4. Chicken and Cheese Sandwich
If it is customary to take bakery products as the basis for a classic sandwich, in this sandwich instead of a bun there is a piece of fried breaded chicken stuffed with cheese.

5. Marinated pork legs
Making fun of the brawn, Americans pretend that they do not remember the marinated legs of the pig, which are sold in every store. They are eaten as a main dish or used to make salads.

6. Donut Burger
Not a burger, but Homer’s Simpson’s dream: between donuts topped with icing, bacon, fried cutlet, melted cheese and a slice of chicken are hidden.

7. “Oysters Rocky Mountain”
Such a romantic name could have been a seafood dish, but “Rocky Mountain” has nothing to do with them. So Americans call the roasted ox testicles served with a side dish.

8. Bacon Ice Cream
Frozen creamy dessert in Russia and Europe is decorated with berries, fruit slices and chocolate. US residents believe that bacon is the best complement to a cold dessert.

9. Protein deep-fried
In Texas, it is customary to hunt squirrel and have a barbecue after such entertainment. During it, the locals fry small animals in breadcrumbs, like chicken breast.

10. Turdaken
Another American dish with a misleading name. It seems that he could have been thought up in the countries of the Middle East, but by no means in the USA. But it was the Americans who invented the recipe for cooking turkey stuffed with duck stuffed with chicken. Italian and French chefs are horrified to hear about turdaken!

10 habitual products that pose a mortal danger
Some products give the human body a charge of vigor and energy. Others carry hidden threats. Even the usual fruits and vegetables can cause serious harm to human health. Here…


Instant noodles - nourishing but dangerous fast food
Each of us at least once in our life has opened a rustling pack of instant noodles. We appreciate its availability, but do not know about all the dangerous properties…
