7 fresh breathable products
Bad breath can be caused by problems in the digestive system, lack of sleep, hormonal imbalance, the aromatic components of food eaten, alcoholic beverages, tobacco smoking and even dry mouth.…

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10 most stinky and expensive cheeses
Who said that the most delicious foods should have a heavenly aroma? The list of cheeses below is a clear proof. 1. Taleggio Sure, he looks so-so, but unlike the…

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6 products, the age of which we did not know
Many products seem to us exclusively the invention of the modern food industry. You will be surprised to know that the usual food has existed for many millennia. Archaeologists and…

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8 unique products for cheerfulness and beauty
A healthy lifestyle has become fashionable. We give up bad habits, drink supplements and smear ourselves with various means to prolong youth. Equally important, what we eat. We represent the…


blood every month

Classic and 8 of the most original recipes for Easter cakes

Classic and 8 of the most original recipes for Easter cakes
Want to cook delicious and unusual Easter cakes for Easter? Then you are at the address. For you – the traditional version and a few original Easter recipes.
A traditional dish on the Easter table is the cake. According to church canons, the dough is made on the night from Thursday to Friday, and on Friday they are baked. Many do it the day before the holiday. Continue reading

6 scandalous facts about the products that we love so much

In desire there is only useful things, we are ready to spend money and efforts. But this is not always justified. Modern manufacturers without a twinge of conscience poison our bodies in order to get benefits. And at the same time, they hide their technologies behind beautiful advertising and packaging with an “eco” badge.
We all care about our health and, whenever possible, we try to buy healthy products. Food labeled “non-GMO”, “pure”, “natural”, “eco” costs much more than products without such marking on the packaging. Continue reading

8 healthy and tasty combinations of products

“Forget about harmful products” is the motto of the most advanced nutritionists. An important combination of food that can bring maximum benefit to the body. Use the knowledge of the best groups of products that will help each other to saturate your body with vitamins and trace elements
Modern nutritionists are inclined to believe that products can not be harmful or useful. The main thing is to choose the right combination of them, in which all the useful substances can be digested to the maximum and bring tangible benefits to the body. We offer a list of the most popular and delicious duets of products that you really like. Continue reading

10 useless products for which you definitely should not overpay
Oatmeal, juice, pink salt ... Do not rush to put them in the basket. Behind the deceptive advantage described in advertising, there is at least a dummy. Carefully examine the…


10 New Year's culinary traditions from around the world.
Already thinking about what you can cook for the New Year? Then check out the gastronomic preferences of people from different countries. Believe me, some dishes will truly surprise you.…
