20+ delicious and healthy breakfast toast recipes
Breakfast is the most important meal, so it is not recommended to skip it. To avoid this, we offer to diversify the menu with simple, but very tasty and healthy…

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Molecular cuisine: history and secrets of cooking
The term "molecular cuisine" appeared not very long ago, and in some people on the planet, it causes confusion. Of course, many of us have heard that the dishes of…

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10 useless products for which you definitely should not overpay
Oatmeal, juice, pink salt ... Do not rush to put them in the basket. Behind the deceptive advantage described in advertising, there is at least a dummy. Carefully examine the…

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15 original dishes to try in Australia
Each country has its own “crown” dish, and sometimes even several of them. Unusual flavor combinations and original notes can be felt by trying Australian culinary delights. If you visit…


traditional cake and a few

Classic and 8 of the most original recipes for Easter cakes

Classic and 8 of the most original recipes for Easter cakes
Want to cook delicious and unusual Easter cakes for Easter? Then you are at the address. For you – the traditional version and a few original Easter recipes.
A traditional dish on the Easter table is the cake. According to church canons, the dough is made on the night from Thursday to Friday, and on Friday they are baked. Many do it the day before the holiday. Continue reading

8 unique products for cheerfulness and beauty
A healthy lifestyle has become fashionable. We give up bad habits, drink supplements and smear ourselves with various means to prolong youth. Equally important, what we eat. We represent the…


To rise from the dead: what is the escape from a hangover in different parts of the world?
Who doesn't know what a hangover is? At least once in a life each of us, without dependence from a social status and a floor, faced this unpleasant phenomenon. In…
