Instant noodles - nourishing but dangerous fast food
Each of us at least once in our life has opened a rustling pack of instant noodles. We appreciate its availability, but do not know about all the dangerous properties…

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7 kitchen tricks that will be interesting and useful to many
In the kitchen we spend quite a lot of time. On it, we not only cook, but also meet friends over a cup of tea, and also store food, and…

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7 best products from edema
Many periodically suffer from edema. Fluid retention means that something is wrong in our body. Do not run to the pharmacy for diuretics. A small change in nutrition will help…

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To avoid bad: 8 products that are incompatible with alcohol
So that in the morning the stomach does not hurt, there was no weakness or nausea, during the feast one must not only control the amount of alcohol consumed, but…


same applies to the dough

22 best sandwiches in the history of culinary art

Sandwiches, simply sandwiches – quick and satisfying snack, beloved by many of us. Why? The answer is simple. A varied filling allows each person to choose their most favorite version of the sandwich.
Moreover, a huge number of all sorts of recipes from around the world open up virtually unlimited spaces for culinary fantasy. Ready to find out which sandwiches will conquer even the most capricious gourmet and will surely please everyone? Then watch and memorize. We assure that by the end of the post you will certainly be hungry. Continue reading

10 desserts that have become symbols of home cities

What could be the pride of the city? Famous people who were born in it, beautiful architecture, various attractions. There are cities that are famous not only for this. They came up with delicious desserts, which is required to try every sweet tooth.
Do you think that without problems, prepare the most delicious and delicious delicacy, because finding a recipe on the Internet is not a problem? As a last resort, you can always take from the beloved grandmother a “Book about tasty and healthy food.” Nevertheless, gourmets say that any dish has a true taste only at home, in particular, the famous confectionery. Interested and going? Let’s make a route map. Continue reading

15 original dishes to try in Australia
Each country has its own “crown” dish, and sometimes even several of them. Unusual flavor combinations and original notes can be felt by trying Australian culinary delights. If you visit…


7 fresh breathable products
Bad breath can be caused by problems in the digestive system, lack of sleep, hormonal imbalance, the aromatic components of food eaten, alcoholic beverages, tobacco smoking and even dry mouth.…
