7 most useful products for those who are engaged in mental work
Intellectual stress on the brain is a great way to prolong its healthy longevity. For persons engaged in mental work every day, food should be of high quality, fresh, regular,…

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5 products, after which the person will smell like fume
Having smelled the smell of alcohol from the gentleman, do not rush to add a potential boyfriend to the “black list” due to hidden alcoholism. Perhaps the guy is not…

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7 Russian dishes disgusting to foreigners
For us, the dishes of modern Russian cuisine are nothing special. We are accustomed to the fact that on our table quite often you can see buckwheat, liver, brawn and…

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12 Georgian dishes worth tasting
Local cuisine is a big part of the culture. We always love to try the typical dishes of the country in which they fell. These 10 dishes must be tried…


addition watered with cheese

10 New Year’s culinary traditions from around the world.

Already thinking about what you can cook for the New Year? Then check out the gastronomic preferences of people from different countries. Believe me, some dishes will truly surprise you.

On New Year’s Eve, people around the world gather at the holiday table to celebrate a joyful event. Each country has its own traditional New Year’s dish, without which it is impossible to imagine this celebration. We offer to make a trip and look at the kitchen of different housewives. Continue reading

20 dishes from McDonald’s from around the world, which we did not expect from him

Consider McDonald’s ordinary? But it was not there! You can not even imagine what unusual dishes are prepared in this popular restaurant in different countries. Now you see this.
McDonald’s is considered a well-designed restaurant that is used everywhere, but in fact it is not. In many countries, the institution offers something special and traditional for the local population. Take a little trip and learn about the unusual dishes of popular fast food. Continue reading

10 most stinky and expensive cheeses

Who said that the most delicious foods should have a heavenly aroma? The list of cheeses below is a clear proof.

1. Taleggio
Sure, he looks so-so, but unlike the rest of the bad-smelling cheeses, this product is not so smelly. He is adored for his soft texture and unusual taste. It is mainly prepared from pasteurized cow’s milk in large factory cheese factories, where, nevertheless, they strictly adhere to the old rules in order to preserve the taste and structure of the world-famous cheese. Continue reading

15 recipes for delicious dishes that are prepared in a regular mug
Cooking takes a lot of time and requires at least minimal culinary skills, but we can please you, because there are simple recipes for food in mugs. A few minutes…


15 recipes for delicious dishes that are prepared in a regular mug
Cooking takes a lot of time and requires at least minimal culinary skills, but we can please you, because there are simple recipes for food in mugs. A few minutes…
