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Dangerous for health! 9 products that can not be reheated

Few people cook food only once, since it is much more convenient to cook a lot and then heat it in portions. It is important to know that some products may become hazardous to health as a result.
The habit of a huge number of people – immediately cook a lot of food, so that was enough for several times. It is worth knowing that there are some products that are forbidden to reheat, as this can lead to the fact that the food will become unhealthy and even dangerous to health.

1. Potatoes
Reheated potatoes can not be called a harmful product, rather useless. Freshly prepared dishes contain a lot of healthy substances, but when reheated, they evaporate and the potatoes become useless for the body. Boiled potatoes instead of reheating better to add to salads.

2. Mushrooms
In cooking, using different mushrooms, which contain a large amount of vegetable protein. With repeated heat treatment, these products change their chemical composition, which can cause bloating, stomach pain and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

3. Oil
Doctors in one voice say that in no case can not reuse oil, because it will accumulate toxic substances that increase the level of cholesterol in the blood. That is why french fries, nuggets and the like are so bad. When reheating, the oil becomes more viscous and dark, so if you notice any changes in the structure of the product, it is better to dispose of it.

4. Chicken
Poultry dishes are very popular, especially considering the benefits of this meat. It is worth knowing that during secondary heat treatment the structure of proteins changes, and this may adversely affect the activity of the digestive system. It is better to use ready-made poultry in the cold in salads, sandwiches and other dishes.

5. Celery
Useful vegetable, which is used to prepare salads, first and second courses. If you like to include it in recipes, then know that when reheated, the safe nitrates that make up the vegetable are converted into toxic substances and carcinogens. Do not take risks and cook a small amount of soup, or pay attention to recipes of cream soups, which are tasty and cold.

6. Beets
Many people are used to cooking a large pot of borscht, but you should know that when this first course is reheated, the nitrates that make up the beets turn into nitrites. These substances can cause problems with the digestive system.

7. Eggs
In most cases, people use eggs immediately after cooking, but there are exceptions. Doctors do not recommend reheating scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs again, since these dishes will produce toxic substances. It is best to eat the remains cold.

8. Spinach
Such greens are not only tasty, but also useful, so it is included in the diet of people who monitor their health and body shape. There are also safe nitrates in spinach, like celery, which are converted into harmful substances due to reheating. To get maximum benefit from greens, do not give in to secondary heat treatment, but rather use it fresh, for example, for smoothies, salads and sandwiches.

9. Rice
The danger of this popular side dish is no longer in reheating, but in storage conditions. Rice groats may contain spores of microorganisms that cause food poisoning, and they may not die during heat treatment.

In the end, if you leave cooked rice to cool at room temperature, then the spores of bacteria will actively multiply and produce poisons. With repeated heat treatment to destroy harmful substances, most likely, will not work, so the risk of diarrhea and vomiting is significant. It is best to eat rice immediately after cooking, but if this is not possible, then keep the porridge at room temperature for no more than an hour, and in the refrigerator for no longer than a day. When reheating the side dish, use high temperatures.

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