To rise from the dead: what is the escape from a hangover in different parts of the world?
Who doesn't know what a hangover is? At least once in a life each of us, without dependence from a social status and a floor, faced this unpleasant phenomenon. In…

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To avoid bad: 8 products that are incompatible with alcohol
So that in the morning the stomach does not hurt, there was no weakness or nausea, during the feast one must not only control the amount of alcohol consumed, but…

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7 kitchen tricks that will be interesting and useful to many
In the kitchen we spend quite a lot of time. On it, we not only cook, but also meet friends over a cup of tea, and also store food, and…

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Be on the lookout: 10 foods that cause poisoning most often
You can get poisoned with different foods, but there are especially dangerous products that are more likely to cause problems with the digestive system. It is important to know these…


trying to hide the real

22 best sandwiches in the history of culinary art

Sandwiches, simply sandwiches – quick and satisfying snack, beloved by many of us. Why? The answer is simple. A varied filling allows each person to choose their most favorite version of the sandwich.
Moreover, a huge number of all sorts of recipes from around the world open up virtually unlimited spaces for culinary fantasy. Ready to find out which sandwiches will conquer even the most capricious gourmet and will surely please everyone? Then watch and memorize. We assure that by the end of the post you will certainly be hungry. Continue reading

To rise from the dead: what is the escape from a hangover in different parts of the world?

Who doesn’t know what a hangover is? At least once in a life each of us, without dependence from a social status and a floor, faced this unpleasant phenomenon. In different countries of the world, the consequences of rapid fun are dealt with differently – we decided to tell you exactly how.
Everyone has a hangover with varying degrees of intensity, but his manifestations are quite predictable: weakness, headache, nausea, dizziness, irritability, intense thirst, drowsiness. Continue reading

5 products, after which the person will smell like fume

Having smelled the smell of alcohol from the gentleman, do not rush to add a potential boyfriend to the “black list” due to hidden alcoholism. Perhaps the guy is not guilty and just ate one of the products, after which the breath of fumes from the mouth realistically breathes.
Today has not set itself, we are in a panic and feel like a hero of an evil rally or a victim of a global conspiracy. At the beginning, the traffic police inspector, allegedly sensing a characteristic alcoholic taint, almost took the rights, forcing him to “breathe into a tube.” Continue reading

10 national American dishes, incomprehensible to tourists
American cuisine is rich in insane combinations of foods and mixing tastes contrary to common sense and the principles of proper nutrition. Sweet burgers, fried butter and biscuits with mushrooms…


11 products that can replace coffee
Coffee is recognized as the most common means to obtain a charge of energy, but it is not the only product that has an invigorating effect. Experts recommend a replacement…
