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7 Russian dishes disgusting to foreigners

For us, the dishes of modern Russian cuisine are nothing special. We are accustomed to the fact that on our table quite often you can see buckwheat, liver, brawn and more. However, these dishes cause shock and bewilderment to foreigners who first encounter them.
It would seem that something special in semolina, “Herring under a fur coat” or okroshka, but many foreigners are horrified when they see these dishes before them and find out what they are offered to try. All these dishes in many restaurants, where tourists lead, belong to the so-called dishes that are able to bring a foreigner out of the “culinary comfort zone.” So, before you are 10 Russian cuisine products that unpleasantly surprise guests from abroad.

1. Chill
When a plate with aspic appears in front of the foreigners, then, as a rule, they look at it for a very long time, trying to understand what it is. Having seen the pieces of meat through the transparent jelly, the guests try to pick them out, and when the jelly hits them on the tongue, it causes almost a gag reflex. After returning from post-Soviet countries, where you can taste aspic, foreigners, as a rule, describe this dish as follows:

“Chicken is a food that is very similar to jelly with fruit, however, instead of berries, meat is put there and it is not sweet to taste. They say that brawn is very useful, but it looks disgusting. It is served with horseradish, mustard or vinegar. Despite the sauces, this dish is an amateur. ”
2. Salo
Despite the fact that eating bacon is a common thing for foreigners, our lard causes contradictory emotions. On the one hand, it is the same bacon, only in a large piece, but on the other hand, it is completely different from what foreigners are used to. In their blogs, travel enthusiasts describe the fat:

“They say that this product is loved by many, but it looks disgusting. Salted lard in the restaurant serves sliced ​​and seasoned with black pepper, dill and other spices. This dish, when ingested, seems very fat and cannot be swallowed. Russian lard is eaten with black bread, eating green onions. I have not tried anything stranger in my life. ”
3. buckwheat
For every Russian-speaking person, buckwheat is a strategic product that can be found on the table for each of us. Since childhood, we were told that there is nothing better than this porridge, because the croup contains a huge mass of vitamins and trace elements. However, unfortunately, not all tourists know this dish, and they characterize buckwheat as follows:

“In front of me they put a plate with a strange mess in the restaurant. I haven’t eaten anything like this before. Having a little picked it up, I was offered to pour milk there. I was really shocked. I refused to try it. ”
4. Saltwater fish
Salted fish
The dish “Saltwater fish”, which visually is very similar to brawn, also causes hostility among tourists. True, it is found in restaurants a little less than its fellow meat, but still comes across. Tourists who decided to try the “Fish in the Sea” say these words about it:

“Have you ever tasted jelly with taste and pieces of fish?” Russian is eating! They call it “Saltwater Fish”, and it is considered a very useful product. To say that I could easily swallow a piece of this dish is a lie. I was advised to eat with horseradish, but it got worse. Frankly, I will not eat this anymore. ”
5. Salad “Herring under a fur coat”
Another dish that causes shock to citizens from abroad is called “Herring under a fur coat” salad. We got used to it for a long time and, as a rule, rarely does a holiday go without salted fish, covered with a layer of mayonnaise and vegetables. This is what confuses foreigners most of all, because far from everyone can imagine the salted herring that they do not eat, combined with sweet carrots and beets. This is what foreigners think about this:

“Herring under a fur coat” is a rather strange and tasteless invention. In this salad are mixed incompatible products that Russians cause delight. This is a rather strange dish to taste, which has an incomprehensible name. I could not understand for a long time, and here is a fur coat, until I was explained. ”
6. Semolina
Europeans have a rather strange attitude to cereals, and manna generally causes horror. When they serve this dish in a restaurant, they do not express anything but bewilderment and surprise to the faces of guests from abroad. About semolina in their blogs, foreigners write the following:

“In front of me they put a plate with a substance of white color, on top of which fruit was laid. When I began to pick this porridge with a spoon, then it reminded me of building material, but I didn’t eat at all. It was unusual to eat it, but still I was able to swallow a couple of spoons. Fruit perfectly interrupts its strange taste. ”
7. Okroshka
Okroshka in Russian cuisine refers to cold soups, only foreigners understand this very difficult. Having tasted this dish for the first time, visitors describe it like this:

The taste of okroshka is quite difficult to convey. Her, as a rule, Russians eat.

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