best products

12 products that can not be cooked in olive oil
Having warmed up olive oil to 190ºС, you risk to spoil products. They can become not only tasteless, but also harmful. Let me begin by saying that olive oil itself…

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5 unusual dishes worth trying in China
Traveling in China, the tourist gets acquainted with the unusual, bright, rich cuisine of this country. Many believe that Asians are able to eat almost anything that moves. Not every…

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6 best cereals for kids
Choose the first baby food? Kashi - the basis of a full diet for the growth and development of the child. We select the right cereals and help the baby…

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11 culinary life hacks that are confirmed by Einstein
Scientists have not one secret in their arsenal, which can be used in cooking in order to simplify the process of cooking different dishes. Professor of Chemistry, Robert Wolke, in…


7 most useful products for those who are engaged in mental work

Intellectual stress on the brain is a great way to prolong its healthy longevity. For persons engaged in mental work every day, food should be of high quality, fresh, regular, fortified and balanced.
It should be borne in mind that workers employed in this field often move little. Therefore, the menu should be thought out so that those extra pounds are not delayed, and the brain gets enough nutrients. What do brain cells like? Continue reading

10 habitual products that pose a mortal danger

Some products give the human body a charge of vigor and energy. Others carry hidden threats. Even the usual fruits and vegetables can cause serious harm to human health.

Here is a list of products that you need to handle wisely and carefully. Continue reading

7 fresh breathable products

Bad breath can be caused by problems in the digestive system, lack of sleep, hormonal imbalance, the aromatic components of food eaten, alcoholic beverages, tobacco smoking and even dry mouth.
For breath freshening, aromatic candies, chewing gum, as well as parsley, dill seeds, coffee beans and other available food products are most often used. When it comes to dry mouth, the simplest solution is to use one of the available and effective products. This is what dentists recommend. Continue reading

To rise from the dead: what is the escape from a hangover in different parts of the world?

Who doesn’t know what a hangover is? At least once in a life each of us, without dependence from a social status and a floor, faced this unpleasant phenomenon. In different countries of the world, the consequences of rapid fun are dealt with differently – we decided to tell you exactly how.
Everyone has a hangover with varying degrees of intensity, but his manifestations are quite predictable: weakness, headache, nausea, dizziness, irritability, intense thirst, drowsiness. Continue reading

12 Georgian dishes worth tasting

Local cuisine is a big part of the culture. We always love to try the typical dishes of the country in which they fell. These 10 dishes must be tried by a traveler, being in a hospitable and good-natured Georgia.
Among the dishes presented, everyone will be able to choose something to his taste, and in addition to gastronomic sensations, they will give an opportunity to get a better feel of the culture and traditions of this amazing people. Continue reading

5 unexpected ways to use water after cooking pasta
Who would have thought that the liquid that remains in the pan after cooking pasta can be very useful. Prudent housewives, catch a selection of recommendations from the chef of…


10 New Year's culinary traditions from around the world.
Already thinking about what you can cook for the New Year? Then check out the gastronomic preferences of people from different countries. Believe me, some dishes will truly surprise you.…
