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20 dishes from McDonald’s from around the world, which we did not expect from him

Consider McDonald’s ordinary? But it was not there! You can not even imagine what unusual dishes are prepared in this popular restaurant in different countries. Now you see this.
McDonald’s is considered a well-designed restaurant that is used everywhere, but in fact it is not. In many countries, the institution offers something special and traditional for the local population. Take a little trip and learn about the unusual dishes of popular fast food.

1. Unique Patties – China
In many countries, the menu includes hot cakes, made in the form of tubes with filling. That’s exactly its content and this dish differs in different countries, and the most original fillings are used just in China (not surprisingly). For example, in this country, you can try black pie with black raspberries. Another original filling is painted in purple color, and it is prepared from a root crop called “taro”.

2. MakSpaysi Paneer – India
Since in this country, cows are sacred animals, McDonald’s does not have beef dishes. It is replaced by chicken. In India, there is a huge variety of vegetarian dishes, by the way, there is also a completely vegetarian restaurant. Very popular is the roll with paneer – baked in deep fat with cheese.

3. MacLobster – Canada
Here is an injustice! After all, someone eats a burger with beef cutlet, and someone with a lobster. Of course, the price of such a dish is high, and therefore it is not included in the permanent menu of the institution, but periodically appears to please customers.

4. Kiwi Burger – New Zealand
An unusual burger was invented in 1991, and in addition to the usual buns, cheese, lettuce and beef patties, the composition includes scrambled eggs and beets. As you can see, the kiwi in the burger is not.

5. McSpaghetti – Philippines
What is really unexpected is the popularity of pasta in the Philippines, loved by many, although this dish in Italy periodically appears on the menu of this establishment. Of course, pasta is a strange dish for fast food.

6. McLax – Norway
This country is famous for fish dishes, so the burger made from homemade buns and fried salmon was also included in the menu of a popular fast food restaurant. Tasty, more useful and not so fat!

7. Nürnburger – Germany
Germans’ love of beer and sausages could not go unnoticed by McDonald’s owners, so they offered to include a burger in the menu, which had the meatball replaced by sausages – a treat for real men. In addition to the burgher in this country, you can order MacPivo and try another unusual dish – MacRib (a spicy pork ribs sandwich).

8. Bubur Ayam – Malaysia
To attract customers in this country, traditional porridge with slices of chicken, green onions and chili was added to the menu. In addition, McDonald’s added another ingredient to this dish – the boiled egg.

9. Gallo Pinto – Costa Rica
Another interpretation of the traditional dish, which includes rice and beans. Complements this all scrambled eggs, sour cream and meat.

10. McMollet – Mexico
Fast food in Mexican cities can not be compared with anything, and this could not be considered a well-known restaurant chain. The menu offers a unique dish that is similar to a traditional Mexican breakfast – pâté, made from roasted beans, spread on a bun, covered with a piece of cheese and salsa.

11. Burger – Singapore and South Korea
The most favorite dish in these countries is rice, but serving ordinary porridge is so trite. To surprise and please their customers, an unusual burger appears on the menu at McDonalds from time to time, in which the buns are made from pressed rice (it is not known how this is done).

12. Shrimpburger – Korea
The name, of course, is strange, but the taste of this burger is excellent. Instead of the usual burgers, shrimps are used here, which are fried in breading. This dish is worthy to try it.

13. Gazpacho – Spain
The favorite Spanish cold tomato soup was put on the McDonalds menu, and they sell it in plastic cups, like yogurt in supermarkets.

14. McWrap – Belgium
A dish that can be compared with the familiar shawarma, but only the ingredients are more wholesome and tasty: cheese, fresh vegetables and pieces of beef.

15. French fries with chocolate – Japan
Perhaps this can be found only in Japan, where they often combine the incompatible. Just imagine: salty fried potatoes with sweet chocolate. Here is such a fusion. It is surprising that many tourists confirm the original taste of this dish.

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