7 best chefs of the world who are worth recognizing in person
The real gods of the kitchen, the masters of food and spices - these are the most famous chefs in the world. They create real and unique culinary masterpieces with…

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6 best cereals for kids
Choose the first baby food? Kashi - the basis of a full diet for the growth and development of the child. We select the right cereals and help the baby…

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6 dishes you should not eat for breakfast
Nutritionists have once again decided to revise our eating habits. After a revision of the most familiar breakfast items, they came to disappointing conclusions! It turns out that the first…

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5 culinary habits that can harm our health
Even experienced hostesses from time to time make irreparable mistakes related to gastronomic hygiene. The kitchen can be quite a dangerous place if you do not follow the safety regulations…


they have prepared

7 fresh breathable products

Bad breath can be caused by problems in the digestive system, lack of sleep, hormonal imbalance, the aromatic components of food eaten, alcoholic beverages, tobacco smoking and even dry mouth.
For breath freshening, aromatic candies, chewing gum, as well as parsley, dill seeds, coffee beans and other available food products are most often used. When it comes to dry mouth, the simplest solution is to use one of the available and effective products. This is what dentists recommend. Continue reading

To rise from the dead: what is the escape from a hangover in different parts of the world?

Who doesn’t know what a hangover is? At least once in a life each of us, without dependence from a social status and a floor, faced this unpleasant phenomenon. In different countries of the world, the consequences of rapid fun are dealt with differently – we decided to tell you exactly how.
Everyone has a hangover with varying degrees of intensity, but his manifestations are quite predictable: weakness, headache, nausea, dizziness, irritability, intense thirst, drowsiness. Continue reading

Be on the lookout: 10 foods that cause poisoning most often
You can get poisoned with different foods, but there are especially dangerous products that are more likely to cause problems with the digestive system. It is important to know these…


6 dishes you should not eat for breakfast
Nutritionists have once again decided to revise our eating habits. After a revision of the most familiar breakfast items, they came to disappointing conclusions! It turns out that the first…
