10 New Year's culinary traditions from around the world.
Already thinking about what you can cook for the New Year? Then check out the gastronomic preferences of people from different countries. Believe me, some dishes will truly surprise you.…

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Be on the lookout: 10 foods that cause poisoning most often
You can get poisoned with different foods, but there are especially dangerous products that are more likely to cause problems with the digestive system. It is important to know these…

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7 most useful products for those who are engaged in mental work
Intellectual stress on the brain is a great way to prolong its healthy longevity. For persons engaged in mental work every day, food should be of high quality, fresh, regular,…

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11 popular food pairs that can not be eaten together
Mixing different products, people are accustomed to focus on taste, not benefit. Scientists, having conducted experiments, proved that some products cannot be combined in one meal. What is this "not…


mango slices on toast

20+ delicious and healthy breakfast toast recipes

Breakfast is the most important meal, so it is not recommended to skip it. To avoid this, we offer to diversify the menu with simple, but very tasty and healthy toast. Some recipes are really surprising.
The most common set for breakfast – a cup of coffee, a sandwich with cheese and sausage. Habits – this, of course, is good, but you need to make a variety in your life, even in breakfast. We bring to your attention a few simple, but very tasty options for toast for breakfast. We are sure that every gourmet will be able to choose a recipe for himself. Continue reading

6 products, the age of which we did not know
Many products seem to us exclusively the invention of the modern food industry. You will be surprised to know that the usual food has existed for many millennia. Archaeologists and…


20 dishes from McDonald's from around the world, which we did not expect from him
Consider McDonald's ordinary? But it was not there! You can not even imagine what unusual dishes are prepared in this popular restaurant in different countries. Now you see this. McDonald’s…
