15 original dishes to try in Australia
Each country has its own “crown” dish, and sometimes even several of them. Unusual flavor combinations and original notes can be felt by trying Australian culinary delights. If you visit…

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7 harmful tips for making delicious kebabs
Want to learn how to cook a delicious and juicy kebab, then you need to pay attention to many details. First drop all the bad advice you've ever heard about…

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Food counterfeit: how to distinguish a fake?
We don’t always like to wear forged clothes, but it’s not capable of doing such harm as fake products made from chemistry. Clothes in the worst case will shed or…

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Food counterfeit: how to distinguish a fake?
We don’t always like to wear forged clothes, but it’s not capable of doing such harm as fake products made from chemistry. Clothes in the worst case will shed or…


includes scrambled eggs

20 dishes from McDonald’s from around the world, which we did not expect from him

Consider McDonald’s ordinary? But it was not there! You can not even imagine what unusual dishes are prepared in this popular restaurant in different countries. Now you see this.
McDonald’s is considered a well-designed restaurant that is used everywhere, but in fact it is not. In many countries, the institution offers something special and traditional for the local population. Take a little trip and learn about the unusual dishes of popular fast food. Continue reading

12 culinary life hacking from popular bloggers
Experienced cooks have in stock a huge amount of life hacking, which they have accumulated over the years of their stay in the kitchen. We have selected for you some…


11 products that can replace coffee
Coffee is recognized as the most common means to obtain a charge of energy, but it is not the only product that has an invigorating effect. Experts recommend a replacement…
