8 products that are not inferior to protein in meat
Lately, vegetarianism is coming into fashion. More and more people are refusing food of animal origin, introducing herbal products into their diet. Despite the great benefits of vegetarianism, there is…

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23 exotic fruits, which many have not even heard
Have you heard of santola or noni !? There is clearly some kind of conspiracy here, because most of the listed fruits you will never find in the store near…

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7 kitchen tricks that will be interesting and useful to many
In the kitchen we spend quite a lot of time. On it, we not only cook, but also meet friends over a cup of tea, and also store food, and…

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8 dishes worth trying at least once in a lifetime
It is no secret that in recent years gastronomic tourism is gaining increasing popularity. People don't like to just visit different countries, seeing the sights, they want to get acquainted…


this dessert was present

Masterpieces of Soviet cuisine: recipes of popular dishes of the time

Every year the recipes used in the Soviet era, lose their popularity, because they are replaced by modern dishes. We suggest not to forget the story and from time to time to nostalgic in the kitchen.
Culinary preferences and trends change regularly and the modern cuisine is already far from the Soviet dishes, although there are those who continue to cook them. Do you want to plunge into nostalgia and remember that a couple of decades ago was on your table? Get ready to wipe saliva. Continue reading

10 habitual products that pose a mortal danger
Some products give the human body a charge of vigor and energy. Others carry hidden threats. Even the usual fruits and vegetables can cause serious harm to human health. Here…


Instant noodles - nourishing but dangerous fast food
Each of us at least once in our life has opened a rustling pack of instant noodles. We appreciate its availability, but do not know about all the dangerous properties…
