11 popular food pairs that can not be eaten together
Mixing different products, people are accustomed to focus on taste, not benefit. Scientists, having conducted experiments, proved that some products cannot be combined in one meal. What is this "not…

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To rise from the dead: what is the escape from a hangover in different parts of the world?
Who doesn't know what a hangover is? At least once in a life each of us, without dependence from a social status and a floor, faced this unpleasant phenomenon. In…

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8 products that are not inferior to protein in meat
Lately, vegetarianism is coming into fashion. More and more people are refusing food of animal origin, introducing herbal products into their diet. Despite the great benefits of vegetarianism, there is…

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7 best products from edema
Many periodically suffer from edema. Fluid retention means that something is wrong in our body. Do not run to the pharmacy for diuretics. A small change in nutrition will help…


cannot but surprise

11 popular food pairs that can not be eaten together

Mixing different products, people are accustomed to focus on taste, not benefit. Scientists, having conducted experiments, proved that some products cannot be combined in one meal. What is this “not a pair”, now we shall understand.

Doctors and nutritionists argue that it is necessary not only to choose healthy foods for your diet, but also to combine them correctly. Otherwise, the benefits can be minimized and even make products harmful. Many will be surprised that their favorite food tandems are considered dangerous. Continue reading

11 culinary life hacks that are confirmed by Einstein
Scientists have not one secret in their arsenal, which can be used in cooking in order to simplify the process of cooking different dishes. Professor of Chemistry, Robert Wolke, in…


7 Russian dishes disgusting to foreigners
For us, the dishes of modern Russian cuisine are nothing special. We are accustomed to the fact that on our table quite often you can see buckwheat, liver, brawn and…
