10 habitual products that pose a mortal danger
Some products give the human body a charge of vigor and energy. Others carry hidden threats. Even the usual fruits and vegetables can cause serious harm to human health. Here…

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15 recipes for delicious dishes that are prepared in a regular mug
Cooking takes a lot of time and requires at least minimal culinary skills, but we can please you, because there are simple recipes for food in mugs. A few minutes…

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Classic and 8 of the most original recipes for Easter cakes
Classic and 8 of the most original recipes for Easter cakes Want to cook delicious and unusual Easter cakes for Easter? Then you are at the address. For you -…

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10 desserts that have become symbols of home cities
What could be the pride of the city? Famous people who were born in it, beautiful architecture, various attractions. There are cities that are famous not only for this. They…


blocked the decomposition of the product

6 examples of when healthy food was harmful

The food industry can easily inspire anything to the consumer. We are accustomed to the fact that some products are healthy, and eating them is possible and necessary in order to be healthy. But is everything so simple?

We picked up a few products that we unknowingly and naively considered useful, but recent research has forced us to doubt their usefulness. Continue reading

6 products, the age of which we did not know

Many products seem to us exclusively the invention of the modern food industry. You will be surprised to know that the usual food has existed for many millennia. Archaeologists and other scientists lift the veil of secrecy over the culinary tastes of our ancestors
Have you ever been interested in the questions “In what century did man start to bake bread?”, “What is the smell of beer, which is 2500 years old?” And “Is it worth trying cheese, which is 3000 years old?” It turns out that there are edible evidence of history in the world that helped archaeologists find out the age and quality of popular food. Continue reading

23 exotic fruits, which many have not even heard
Have you heard of santola or noni !? There is clearly some kind of conspiracy here, because most of the listed fruits you will never find in the store near…


10 products that appeared in 2018
Every year the store shelves surprise us with unexpected novelties, only the most desperate gourmet dares to try and try. And 2018, too, was no exception! And if you think…
