5 products, after which the person will smell like fume
Having smelled the smell of alcohol from the gentleman, do not rush to add a potential boyfriend to the “black list” due to hidden alcoholism. Perhaps the guy is not…

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11 popular food pairs that can not be eaten together
Mixing different products, people are accustomed to focus on taste, not benefit. Scientists, having conducted experiments, proved that some products cannot be combined in one meal. What is this "not…

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Instant noodles - nourishing but dangerous fast food
Each of us at least once in our life has opened a rustling pack of instant noodles. We appreciate its availability, but do not know about all the dangerous properties…

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5 unexpected ways to use water after cooking pasta
Who would have thought that the liquid that remains in the pan after cooking pasta can be very useful. Prudent housewives, catch a selection of recommendations from the chef of…


washing the meat under the tap

5 unusual dishes worth trying in China

Traveling in China, the tourist gets acquainted with the unusual, bright, rich cuisine of this country. Many believe that Asians are able to eat almost anything that moves.
Not every European is ready to try even half of these curiosities. We will tell you about the five most unusual dishes that are not difficult to decide to try. They will not leave you indifferent. Continue reading

To rise from the dead: what is the escape from a hangover in different parts of the world?

Who doesn’t know what a hangover is? At least once in a life each of us, without dependence from a social status and a floor, faced this unpleasant phenomenon. In different countries of the world, the consequences of rapid fun are dealt with differently – we decided to tell you exactly how.
Everyone has a hangover with varying degrees of intensity, but his manifestations are quite predictable: weakness, headache, nausea, dizziness, irritability, intense thirst, drowsiness. Continue reading

10 New Year's culinary traditions from around the world.
Already thinking about what you can cook for the New Year? Then check out the gastronomic preferences of people from different countries. Believe me, some dishes will truly surprise you.…


7 best products from edema
Many periodically suffer from edema. Fluid retention means that something is wrong in our body. Do not run to the pharmacy for diuretics. A small change in nutrition will help…
