6 examples of when healthy food was harmful
The food industry can easily inspire anything to the consumer. We are accustomed to the fact that some products are healthy, and eating them is possible and necessary in order…

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12 Georgian dishes worth tasting
Local cuisine is a big part of the culture. We always love to try the typical dishes of the country in which they fell. These 10 dishes must be tried…

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20+ delicious and healthy breakfast toast recipes
Breakfast is the most important meal, so it is not recommended to skip it. To avoid this, we offer to diversify the menu with simple, but very tasty and healthy…

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10 desserts that have become symbols of home cities
What could be the pride of the city? Famous people who were born in it, beautiful architecture, various attractions. There are cities that are famous not only for this. They…


and then toxins come

6 best cereals for kids

Choose the first baby food? Kashi – the basis of a full diet for the growth and development of the child. We select the right cereals and help the baby to get all the vitamins and trace elements he needs.
Porridge – one of the main products of high-grade baby food. Do you still think that the usual semolina is the most useful option for a baby? Nutrition experts and pediatricians told about cereals for children, which really should be included in the daily diet. Continue reading

5 unexpected facts about red caviar

Pamper yourself with caviar so nice for the holidays. On other days, we seldom use this most valuable dish. And in vain. After all, it can prolong youth and maintain health. Agree that this is definitely not worth saving!
All over the world, caviar (red, especially black) is known as a delicacy and a very valuable product. So on the eve of the holiday, it appears in stores in large quantities. At least once a year, we rush to pamper yourself with your favorite delicacy. Of course, caviar is of great benefit to the body only if it is natural and taken from fish that spawn in natural conditions. Continue reading

7 best products from edema

Many periodically suffer from edema. Fluid retention means that something is wrong in our body. Do not run to the pharmacy for diuretics. A small change in nutrition will help to cope with water retention no less effectively.
Edema brings trouble to many. They make looks unattractive. But the real concern is swelling, which can appear even on internal organs. In this case, it is not worth delaying with a professional medical consultation. The doctor will select the correct treatment. Continue reading

7 fresh breathable products
Bad breath can be caused by problems in the digestive system, lack of sleep, hormonal imbalance, the aromatic components of food eaten, alcoholic beverages, tobacco smoking and even dry mouth.…


6 types of nuts that are important to add to the winter diet
Nuts are a useful food product that is recommended for daily use. A rich arsenal of nutritious nutrients helps you to enrich the diet and make the body healthier and…
