Instant noodles - nourishing but dangerous fast food
Each of us at least once in our life has opened a rustling pack of instant noodles. We appreciate its availability, but do not know about all the dangerous properties…

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20 dishes from McDonald's from around the world, which we did not expect from him
Consider McDonald's ordinary? But it was not there! You can not even imagine what unusual dishes are prepared in this popular restaurant in different countries. Now you see this. McDonald’s…

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Instant noodles - nourishing but dangerous fast food
Each of us at least once in our life has opened a rustling pack of instant noodles. We appreciate its availability, but do not know about all the dangerous properties…

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11 products that can replace coffee
Coffee is recognized as the most common means to obtain a charge of energy, but it is not the only product that has an invigorating effect. Experts recommend a replacement…


include in your diet cucumbers

7 best products from edema

Many periodically suffer from edema. Fluid retention means that something is wrong in our body. Do not run to the pharmacy for diuretics. A small change in nutrition will help to cope with water retention no less effectively.
Edema brings trouble to many. They make looks unattractive. But the real concern is swelling, which can appear even on internal organs. In this case, it is not worth delaying with a professional medical consultation. The doctor will select the correct treatment. Continue reading

10 desserts that have become symbols of home cities
What could be the pride of the city? Famous people who were born in it, beautiful architecture, various attractions. There are cities that are famous not only for this. They…


Classic and 8 of the most original recipes for Easter cakes
Classic and 8 of the most original recipes for Easter cakes Want to cook delicious and unusual Easter cakes for Easter? Then you are at the address. For you -…
