5 culinary habits that can harm our health
Even experienced hostesses from time to time make irreparable mistakes related to gastronomic hygiene. The kitchen can be quite a dangerous place if you do not follow the safety regulations…

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6 best cereals for kids
Choose the first baby food? Kashi - the basis of a full diet for the growth and development of the child. We select the right cereals and help the baby…

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10 most stinky and expensive cheeses
Who said that the most delicious foods should have a heavenly aroma? The list of cheeses below is a clear proof. 1. Taleggio Sure, he looks so-so, but unlike the…

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12 culinary life hacking from popular bloggers
Experienced cooks have in stock a huge amount of life hacking, which they have accumulated over the years of their stay in the kitchen. We have selected for you some…


but also as an enhancement

8 products that are not inferior to protein in meat

Lately, vegetarianism is coming into fashion. More and more people are refusing food of animal origin, introducing herbal products into their diet. Despite the great benefits of vegetarianism, there is a problem: lack of protein in the human diet.

However, do not be upset, because this situation is reparable. Scientists have shown that there are products of plant origin, which are able by the amount of protein to completely replace meat. Continue reading

Dangerous for health! 9 products that can not be reheated
Few people cook food only once, since it is much more convenient to cook a lot and then heat it in portions. It is important to know that some products…


To rise from the dead: what is the escape from a hangover in different parts of the world?
Who doesn't know what a hangover is? At least once in a life each of us, without dependence from a social status and a floor, faced this unpleasant phenomenon. In…
