11 popular food pairs that can not be eaten together
Mixing different products, people are accustomed to focus on taste, not benefit. Scientists, having conducted experiments, proved that some products cannot be combined in one meal. What is this "not…

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6 examples of when healthy food was harmful
The food industry can easily inspire anything to the consumer. We are accustomed to the fact that some products are healthy, and eating them is possible and necessary in order…

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8 healthy and tasty combinations of products
“Forget about harmful products” is the motto of the most advanced nutritionists. An important combination of food that can bring maximum benefit to the body. Use the knowledge of the…

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10 desserts that have become symbols of home cities
What could be the pride of the city? Famous people who were born in it, beautiful architecture, various attractions. There are cities that are famous not only for this. They…


product has a positive effect

5 unexpected facts about red caviar

Pamper yourself with caviar so nice for the holidays. On other days, we seldom use this most valuable dish. And in vain. After all, it can prolong youth and maintain health. Agree that this is definitely not worth saving!
All over the world, caviar (red, especially black) is known as a delicacy and a very valuable product. So on the eve of the holiday, it appears in stores in large quantities. At least once a year, we rush to pamper yourself with your favorite delicacy. Of course, caviar is of great benefit to the body only if it is natural and taken from fish that spawn in natural conditions. Continue reading

Molecular cuisine: history and secrets of cooking
The term "molecular cuisine" appeared not very long ago, and in some people on the planet, it causes confusion. Of course, many of us have heard that the dishes of…


8 dishes worth trying at least once in a lifetime
It is no secret that in recent years gastronomic tourism is gaining increasing popularity. People don't like to just visit different countries, seeing the sights, they want to get acquainted…
