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10 useless products for which you definitely should not overpay

Oatmeal, juice, pink salt … Do not rush to put them in the basket. Behind the deceptive advantage described in advertising, there is at least a dummy. Carefully examine the packaging so that healthy food does not harm.
About the benefits of these products are legends, carefully supported by their manufacturers. Who has not heard of the miraculous qualities of slimming bars, juice or pink salt. Are healthy foods really useful, are they harming the body, and is it worth overpaying for supposedly ecological food? Parse popular misconceptions and debunk the myths.

1. Oatmeal
This cereal is indeed one of the most popular products for those who lead a healthy lifestyle. The right carbohydrates, fiber, lots of vitamins and minerals made it a favorite not only of baby and medical nutrition. But it is worth remembering that only oatmeal has these valuable properties, which is cooked for at least half an hour. The semi-finished product, which is poured with boiling water, is partially processed and contains a minimum of useful substances, including fiber.

2. Muesli Bars
If you still believe that a bar of cereals, nuts and dried fruits, as well as sugar substitutes will help you lose weight, it’s time to read at least its caloric content on the package. And it is no less than that of a full-fledged porridge with milk, sugar and butter. Recharging quickly will help, but losing weight is unlikely.

3. Chips from vegetables
Watching his figure recommend an alternative to conventional chips. These are potato chips. However, the vegetables after adding a huge amount of salt, flavor enhancers and roasting in oil are no more useful than potato chips. The usual marketing ploy for those who do not like to read the information on the package.

4. Zero calorie soda
If you decide to take care of yourself and replace the usual pleasures of the body on their version with zero calorie, we hasten to disappoint. If there is no sugar in Cola Zero, this does not mean that there are no sweeteners and other harmful additives. They have a bad effect on the entire digestive system, lead to flatulence and sharpen the appetite.

5. Bottle water
If you are traveling to India or Thailand, then bottled water will be the only option for you to drink. In normal life, the water from the tap is quite suitable for drinking, in extreme cases, it can be boiled. It is not necessary to overpay for the same water poured from the tap into a plastic container.

6. Pink salt
Salt originally from the Himalayas is sold as a unique environmentally friendly and healthy product. Advertising does its job, and pink salt is 15-20 times more expensive than its usual relative. However, no one explains that it owes its unique color only to the admixtures of iron and magnesium oxide, which we already get from food. In addition, the compounds disintegrate during heat treatment.

7. Almond Milk
Nutritionists and even doctors recently increasingly frighten adults with milk. Manufacturers offer him a supposedly healthy vegetable alternative – almond milk. In fact, there is practically no use in it, since the portion does not contain more than 2% of almond milk. The rest consists of additives, vitamins of chemical origin and sweeteners.

8. Juices
Pasteurized juices in boxes will not be the best option for feeding your body. In the process of preparation, cellulose is destroyed, and most vitamins and other beneficial substances are neutralized during pasteurization. There is a huge amount of sugar. Do not be surprised if you experience hunger, fatigue and mood swings after a couple of glasses of juice. Want to enjoy a juicy fruit flavor, then chew oranges and apples fresh.

9. Tea for cleansing
Do not abuse special compositions for cleaning the body. Such measures are needed according to indications in extreme cases, if prescribed by your doctor. Experimenting with cleansing teas and other infusions should not be. You will be surprised to learn that a unique and the best cleaning system is already included in your body. It consists of the liver and kidneys. And to help them in their work, drink plenty of water and eat less harmful products.

10. Gluten free foods
Gluten-free movement is gaining momentum. And products with low gluten content or even without it are many times more expensive than usual. What is not pleased with the usual food nutritionists and other professionals? Perhaps the fact that it is impossible to increase its value infinitely. But to invent a new product is quite realistic. In fact, scientists can not even agree among themselves about the dangers of the effect of gluten on the body.

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