11 popular food pairs that can not be eaten together
Mixing different products, people are accustomed to focus on taste, not benefit. Scientists, having conducted experiments, proved that some products cannot be combined in one meal. What is this "not…

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10 most stinky and expensive cheeses
Who said that the most delicious foods should have a heavenly aroma? The list of cheeses below is a clear proof. 1. Taleggio Sure, he looks so-so, but unlike the…

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22 best sandwiches in the history of culinary art
Sandwiches, simply sandwiches - quick and satisfying snack, beloved by many of us. Why? The answer is simple. A varied filling allows each person to choose their most favorite version…

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To avoid bad: 8 products that are incompatible with alcohol
So that in the morning the stomach does not hurt, there was no weakness or nausea, during the feast one must not only control the amount of alcohol consumed, but…


7 most useful products for those who are engaged in mental work

Intellectual stress on the brain is a great way to prolong its healthy longevity. For persons engaged in mental work every day, food should be of high quality, fresh, regular, fortified and balanced.
It should be borne in mind that workers employed in this field often move little. Therefore, the menu should be thought out so that those extra pounds are not delayed, and the brain gets enough nutrients. What do brain cells like?

1. Seafood
Fatty sea fish (salmon, mackerel, trout, sardine) and seafood (shrimp, oysters, mussels, squid) are a nourishing source of protein that is easily digested and helps the construction of brain cells.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids, contained in large quantities in seafood, regulate fat metabolism, reducing harmful cholesterol, saving blood vessels, including the brain, from atherosclerotic plaques. In addition, due to the consumption of these products improves memory, both short-term and long-term.

2. Greens
Greens (lettuce, parsley, spinach, dill) contain nicotinic acid, which contributes to the blood supply to the brain, down to the smallest vessels. B vitamins strengthen the nervous system, help fight stress and increased physical exertion. Retinol and lutein are good for the eyes, which is important when working at a computer. Zinc improves memorization processes.

3 eggs
Chicken and quail eggs have choline in their composition, which belongs to the B vitamins and helps to preserve memory and increase concentration. Protein and amino acids are involved in cell building processes. Lecithin improves brain activity, increases efficiency. Vitamin E protects the brain from age-related changes.

4. Nuts
Nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews) are a source of protein that quickly fills the body with energy, helps the brain to work faster and more productively. Fatty polyunsaturated acids fight atherosclerosis. Tryptophan helps against apathy and depression. Vitamins of group B favorably affect the activity of the entire nervous system.

5. Apples
Useful content of organic acids, pectic substances and flavonoids, which help stabilize the metabolism in the fight against vascular atherosclerosis. Vitamins and minerals improve the mental work of the brain. Quercetin protects against Alzheimer’s disease.

6. Bitter chocolate
Dark chocolate helps to improve cerebral blood flow, thereby improving cognitive function. It stimulates the activity of brain cells, increases attention and concentration.

7. Green tea
Excellent stimulator of mental activity. He is able to improve memory, increase vitality, struggling with a headache. Magnesium and B vitamins tidy up the nervous system. And in the tea there are antioxidants that protect cells from premature aging.

8 dishes worth trying at least once in a lifetime
It is no secret that in recent years gastronomic tourism is gaining increasing popularity. People don't like to just visit different countries, seeing the sights, they want to get acquainted…


10 New Year's culinary traditions from around the world.
Already thinking about what you can cook for the New Year? Then check out the gastronomic preferences of people from different countries. Believe me, some dishes will truly surprise you.…
